What exactly is a cryptogamic garden?
With regards to Greek etymology, the word crypto originates from kryptos - meaning concealed and gamic from gamos - meaning marriage. Thus, a cryptogamic plant or a plantlike organism has a hidden reproductive system and that it produces no seed or flowers. Typical examples are; ferns, moss, algae and fungi, which reproduce through spores and not flowers or seed. The most popular of the cryptogam plants to be found in the garden are ferns. In shady areas of the garden, ferns create delicate patterns of green and they combine well with other shade loving plants such as primroses and snowdrops. At this time of year we look forward to an abundance of brightly colours to announce the arrival of spring and early summer and rightly so! but lets not forget those places where the sun rarely shines; colour can thrive here too. Ferns of different types, with their cool green colours and arching fronds, can bring the beauty of a natural woodland to a shady area and transform a corner of the garden where few other plants will survive. However, some flowering plants will grow in similar conditions to ferns and mix well too. Other examples are: Acanthus Mollis alongside the male fern Dryopteris fixi-mas. Dicentra spectabilis alongside Asplenium scolopendrium. Ferns can also grow in dapple shade, as long they are shielded from the midday sun, they will grow in all soils apart from badly drained ones and they require protection from strong winds. Ferns look best when they are grown a suitable distance apart and the fronds do not intermingle with one another and a fern enthusiast will use ferns alone in a shady border, mixing species of different sizes, varying shades of green and different frond shapes. Spring is an excellent time to plant ferns and with regards to cultivation purposes, ferns can be divided into three types: Crown forming ferns – whose fronds emerge from a stout root in the form of a crown (Dryopteris fixi-mas). Rhizomatous ferns – whose fronds rise up along the rhizome root, without forming a crown (Gymnocarpium dryopteris – Oak fern). Spleenworts – a group of ferns that grow best horizontally and ideal for rock gardens and dry-stone walls (Asplenium trichomanes – maidenhair spleenwort). Cryptogams are one of the oldest groups of plant species, existing since the Jurassic era and are hugely beneficial to the eco-system of the garden. Areas with low pollution levels, high in moisture and devoid of direct sunlight is where they thrive best. As the sun sits higher in the sky and the variety of colourful blossom increases within the garden, we must not neglect the areas of shade and the vital area known as the Cryptogamic Garden.
Ground cover plants are extremely beneficial in suppressing weed growth within the garden beds and amongst the ornamental plants. However, utility does not have to be the primary function, ground cover plants are aesthetically beneficial too, with many being highly decorative in their own right. A variety of colours and textures are to be found and once established most weed seedlings that attempt to grow will be successfully smothered by the ground cover canopy, depriving them of light and competing with them for water.
Ground cover plants also have great benefits with regards to the garden location and site topography. Where steep slopes exist and are subject to erosion, plants with a low spreading habit and vigorous root growth will provide stability to the soil, particularly after heavy rainfalls. The following are recommended: Juniperus squamata – Blue Carpet. Cotoneaster dammeri – Bear Berry. Hypericum calycinum – Rose of Sharon. A wildlife garden can benefit too with the addition of ground cover to attract the bees and butterflies, such as: Thymus praecox – creeping thyme. Lotus corniculatus – bird’s foot trefoil. In dry locations and to inhibit evaporation from soil and to eliminate the use of a top surface mulch, ground cover plants should not be underestimated. A dense planting of evergreens will assist in shading the soil, keeping it cool and natural leaf decomposition will act as the mulch. The following plants are suggested: Rosmarinus – rosemary Lavandula – lavender Cistus skanbergii – dwarf pink rockrose. Cistus Corbariensis – hybrid rockrose. Ground cover plants can provide colour to areas of shade, the following are examples: Bergenia – Ballawley, elephants ears. Euonymus fortunei – spindle emerald/gold. Symphytum x uplandicum ‘Variegatum’ When selecting ground cover plants it is best to choose the ones of vigorous growth and that will cover their allotted space in a short duration of time. It is important that they are perennial, either evergreen all year round or emerging rapidly in spring before the unwanted weeds have a chance to set seed. Ground cover plants are not necessarily confined to low growing, but taller shrubs of medium height can also be used to suppress weeds beneath their own canopy and below tree canopies too, such as: Fatsia japonica - ‘Variegata’ Cotoneaster conspicuss – Tibetan. Prunus lauroceraus - ‘OttoLuyken’ There are numerous ornamental ground cover plants available that can provide great colour and interest to the garden and when preparing to plant, ensure that the ground is weed free prior to planting and take heed of the recommended spacing, as this can vary from plant to plant. This year and the years to follow, why not reduce the weeding time and bring additional benefits to the garden by incorporating a variety of ground cover plants. A living wall is a vertically built structure intentionally covered with vegetation, it is also referred to as a green wall and for good reason. Not only does a vertical garden on an otherwise blank wall look extremely attractive, but there are huge environmental and sustainable advantages to be had too. With the addition of a green wall on a property, private or commercial, the heating and cooling bills can be reduced; it adds thermal benefits to a building, being the most natural form of cladding and aids in reducing urban temperature as well as pollution.
A green wall is an excellent noise insulator, reputedly to absorb over 40% more sound than a conventional building facade, ensuring a quieter environment at home or the office. A sense of well being is created, a positive effect on how the people feel, spirits are lifted, increased happiness and improved mental health, these are all benefits from vertical gardening. There are living wall modular systems that are available in a kit form to suit the vertical space available and budget. A drip irrigation system should be installed that will be connected to the mains water supply. It is an excellent opportunity to enhance biodiversity by increasing more plant life into an area, other than at ground level only. The chosen plants can be ones that are attractive to bees and specific habitat boxes can be incorporated within the structure that will provide refuge for a number of species such as butterflies, ladybirds and lacewings. A vertical garden can bring nature to an urban environment and whilst doing so improving the health of the people. With regards to plant selection, this depends on the aspect of the wall and the local climate unique to the area. There are, however, a huge variety of plants that can be used from annuals, perennials, succulents and even edibles. Spring is a good time to plant as the young plants will establish and grow together and it is important to have a year round interest, thus, incorporate plants with shape, form and colour of foliage as well as flowers. There are immense benefits to be had from a living wall, if space is limited at ground level, then why not consider growing vertically? It will be greatly appreciated by the people that use the building, people that are passing by and the biodiversity it creates will be appreciated too by nature. |
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